Friday, April 22, 2005

SIGHTING: A Coat of Many Camels

Not to be outdone by Le Bean (twins are always in competition), I had a recent encounter with Mr. Jack Bauer. You got it-Keifer "hot ass" Sutherland. After spending much of the night at Tangier (lovely Moroccan-esque bar), our group was getting ready to go and all hit the toilets. I had exited the ladies, and could hear my friend in the men's across the way. I screamed his name to hurry it up, and then obnoxiously opened the door. To my pleasant surprise, Jack Bauer motioned me to join them. "Oh, I couldn't", I stammered. Mr. Velvet Voice echoed "nonsense", and I found my self pulled into the men's. I couldn't speak, lost my cool and just stared at him. Feeling like a complete idiot, I left to go have my own private freakout. Hot-ass Sutherland then saw me at the bar waiting for everyone and as he paid his bill his parting words were "Love your coat. It's very smart. It's camel hair, no?" And he left into the night, determined to save the world from nuke stealing terrorists...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee...very cool indeed but pls tell us more about the kief...was he with his friends or simply alone, c'mon spill the beans :))) Thanks

6:00 AM  

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