Friday, September 16, 2005

random50 and then some

So we know we're slackers. Somehow the end of summer took up all of our time...Le Bean's 23rd bday, Miss Lizard getting attacked by her insane tiger, visits from family and to see friends, the Emmy's, helping Britney with Lamaze classes ...and of course volunteering for the food drive for retarded senior citizen midgets (RSCM). We never thought we had such fans, but apparently The Oyster is your Friday salavation. So shut up and answer bitches...

1. Who do you like better-Mom or Dad?
2. What would you eat if you couldn't get fat?
3. Chicken or Turkey?
4. Favorite Gatorade flavor?
5. Why is it called Gatorade?
6. Fave song from a musical?
7. What color was your childhood bedroom?
8. What color is it now?
9. What reality show would you like to be on?
10. Fave brand of bottled water?
11. Most influential person in your life?
12. Fave celebrity sighting and where?
13. Chuck, Fuck or Marry: Ryan Phillpe, Ashton Kutcher, Orlando Bloom:
14. Aniston or Jolie?
15. Malibu or Laguna Beach?
16. IHOP or Denny's?
17. Shower or Bath?
18. Would you rather have a flesh eating bacteria or have spiders lay eggs under your skin?
19. What do you hate most about America?
20. What do you like the most about America?
21. Favorite radio station?
22. Favorite talk show?
23. Cell phone provider?
24. How many minutes per month on your celly?
25. Darwin or God?
26. How did the dinosaurs really die?
27. Describe the year 2302...
28. Church or Temple?
29. Do you work out? How many times a week?
30. Mac or PC?
31. Do you have a land line or just a cell?
32. Do you carry renters insurance?
33. Did you donate to the hurricane?
34. Favorite electronic/tech device?
35. Mercedes or BMW?
36. What perfume/cologne do you wear?
37. How much money would it take to drink a pint of cum?
38. How old were you when you first got drunk?
39. Grocery store you shop in?
40. Your bank?
41. Do you make coffee in the AM or buy it?
42. What one special talent do you have?
43. Tell a secret that you've never told before...
44. Thundercats or Transformers?
45. Friend you've known the longest?
46. Do you travel for work?
47. Name one person from your past that you would re-establish a relationship with?
48. Would you ever live in a double wide?
49. When was the last time you went to the dentist?
50. Who loves you baby?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Who do you like better-Mom or Dad? These days..Dad
2. What would you eat if you couldn't get fat? Fried Chicken all day all the time, and Krispy Crème Donuts. Oh yeah, Pasta and Pizza..Oh Yeah, and bacon
3. Chicken or Turkey? Chicken
4. Favorite Gatorade flavor? Frost, and Pink Lemonade
5. Why is it called Gatorade? Cuz it’s made from the blood of Crocodiles?
6. Fave song from a musical? IF I LOVED YOU –Carousel 1945
7. What color was your childhood bedroom?-white
8. What color is it now? I dunno..some African American preacher lives there now
9. What reality show would you like to be on? What not to wear, does that count?
10. Fave brand of bottled water? Poland Spring
11. Most influential person in your life? Madonna
12. Fave celebrity sighting and where? Intermisson at the last revival of Death Of a Salesman, I peed right next to Gregory Peck
13. Chuck, Fuck or Marry: Ryan Phillpe, Ashton Kutcher, Orlando Bloom:
C: Bllom
F: Kutcher
14. Aniston or Jolie?Anniston
15. Malibu or Laguna Beach?Laguna
16. IHOP or Denny's? Denny’s
17. Shower or Bath? I love baths so much, but showers do the trick quicker
18. Would you rather have a flesh eating bacteria or have spiders lay eggs under your skin? Spiders laying eggs
19. What do you hate most about America? The exaltation of mediocrity in our society
20. What do you like the most about America? The exaltation of mediocrity in our society J
21. Favorite radio station? 106.7 Lite FM
22. Favorite talk show? Bill Maher
23. Cell phone provider? T-Mobile
24. How many minutes per month on your celly? 1100
25. Darwin or God? Darwin
26. How did the dinosaurs really die? They saw the movie version of Phantom of the Opera and lost the will to live
27. Describe the year 2302...Vulcans , Tribbles, Klingons, men with bellies , you know the drill
28. Church or Temple? Neither
29. Do you work out? How many times a week? 2-5...dependiong on Schedule, and if the steamroom is working or not
30. Mac or PC? PC
31. Do you have a land line or just a cell? Just a Cell
32. Do you carry renters insurance? No
33. Did you donate to the hurricane? Yes
34. Favorite electronic/tech device? IPOD
35. Mercedes or BMW? BMW
36. What perfume/cologne do you wear? Issaye Miyaki
37. How much money would it take to drink a pint of cum? $80,000
38. How old were you when you first got drunk? 16
39. Grocery store you shop in? C-town
40. Your bank? Chase
41. Do you make coffee in the AM or buy it? Mostly Buy it
42. What one special talent do you have? Pig Latin
43. Tell a secret that you've never told before...Hell No
44. Thundercats or Transformers? Micronauts
45. Friend you've known the longest? Isabella Sanchez
46. Do you travel for work?Rarely
47. Name one person from your past that you would re-establish a relationship with? Shawn Levy or Rob Marshall
48. Would you ever live in a double wide? What’s a double wide?
49. When was the last time you went to the dentist? I have to go next week , so at least 6 months
50. Who loves you baby? Robbie

10:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Who do you like better-Mom or Dad? I love them both the same.
2. What would you eat if you couldn't get fat? turkey sandwiches and this tasty pastry thing from Switz
3. Chicken or Turkey? chicken
4. Favorite Gatorade flavor? riptide rush
5. Why is it called Gatorade? cuz alligators work up such a sweat when killing, that they need a sweet refreshing 'ade' to cool them down
6. Fave song from a musical? that song from 'On the Town' - the bronx is up and the battery's down song
7. What color was your childhood bedroom? yellow
8. What color is it now? eggshell
9. What reality show would you like to be on? AMAZING RACE!!!
10. Fave brand of bottled water? Vittel
11. Most influential person in your life? my parents
12. Fave celebrity sighting and where? Ice Cube in Vegas
13. Chuck, Fuck or Marry: Ryan Phillpe, Ashton Kutcher, Orlando Bloom:
C: Ryan
F: Ashton
M: Orlando
14. Aniston or Jolie? Aniston
15. Malibu or Laguna Beach? Don't know anything about Laguna, but I liked Malibu when I saw it
16. IHOP or Denny's? Denny's
17. Shower or Bath? Bath
18. Would you rather have a flesh eating bacteria or have spiders lay eggs under your skin? flesh eating bacteria
19. What do you hate most about America? chain restaurants
20. What do you like the most about America? neighborhoods and good food
21. Favorite radio station? z100 but ONLY in the morning. Usually 104.3
22. Favorite talk show? Oprah
23. Cell phone provider? Cingular and I would advise anyone to NEVER go with them
24. How many minutes per month on your celly? don't have one anymore, but I think it was like 500
25. Darwin or God? God
26. How did the dinosaurs really die? old age
27. Describe the year 2302... it's gonna be the new 'party like it's 2302'
28. Church or Temple? Church
29. Do you work out? How many times a week? never here, but i used to use my rower often
30. Mac or PC? PC
31. Do you have a land line or just a cell? land line, and Skype (computer)
32. Do you carry renters insurance? yes
33. Did you donate to the hurricane? no, i barely have enough money to support myself
34. Favorite electronic/tech device? ipod
35. Mercedes or BMW? mercedes
36. What perfume/cologne do you wear? banana republic woman
37. How much money would it take to drink a pint of cum? not enough money in the world
38. How old were you when you first got drunk? 11th grade
39. Grocery store you shop in? Migros here, A&P at home
40. Your bank? USAA Savings
41. Do you make coffee in the AM or buy it? don't drink it
42. What one special talent do you have? can bend my thumbs backward
43. Tell a secret that you've never told before... sorry, can't do that
44. Thundercats or Transformers? Thundercats
45. Friend you've known the longest? Lauren Grabowski
46. Do you travel for work? I used to before I quit my job and moved
47. Name one person from your past that you would re-establish a relationship with? no one - people are in the past for a reason
48. Would you ever live in a double wide? yeah, if it was nice
49. When was the last time you went to the dentist? June?
50. Who loves you baby? Spider

11:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Who do you like better-Mom or Dad? I'd probably go with Mom...but Dad has a lot going for him to!
2. What would you eat if you couldn't get fat? Babies
3. Chicken or Turkey? Chicken
4. Favorite Gatorade flavor? Mango Electrico
5. Why is it called Gatorade? It's made in the Everglades?
6. Fave song from a musical? If I Loved You...Carousel
7. What color was your childhood bedroom? 3 white walls and one hideous wall of paneling.
8. What color is it now? The childhood bedroom? The same.
9. What reality show would you like to be on? The new Martha Stewart Apprentice.
10. Fave brand of bottled water? Fiji!
11. Most influential person in your life? My moms!
12. Fave celebrity sighting and where? I saw both Dunkelman and Seacrest in two different restaurants in LA during IDOL 1. Also in LA, in rehearsals for a play, there's a knock at the door and in walks Isaac the Bartender from the Love Boat. He was in the wrong place.
13. Chuck, Fuck or Marry: Ryan Phillpe, Ashton Kutcher, Orlando Bloom:
C: Bloom...ugh.
F: Phillipe
M: Kutcher
14. Aniston or Jolie? CAMP JEN!!!
15. Malibu or Laguna Beach? Laguna.
16. IHOP or Denny's? IHOP!!
17. Shower or Bath? Both!
18. Would you rather have a flesh eating bacteria or have spiders lay eggs under your skin? Jesus H. Christ. I'm gonna go with the bacteria.
19. What do you hate most about America? Republicans
20. What do you like the most about America? Dead Republicans
21. Favorite radio station? 95.5
22. Favorite talk show? Soap Talk w/ Lisa Rinna!!
23. Cell phone provider? T-Mobile...thanks CZJ!
24. How many minutes per month on your celly? I have no idea. I've never used them all.
25. Darwin or God? Both.
26. How did the dinosaurs really die? In a hurricane that hit NOLA.
27. Describe the year 2302...The coachroaches have won. We are their slaves.
28. Church or Temple? Temple...just to piss my mother off.
29. Do you work out? How many times a week? When I'm good, 3-4 times. Right now, I'm not being good.
30. Mac or PC? PC
31. Do you have a land line or just a cell? Just cell.
32. Do you carry renters insurance? No, but we should!
33. Did you donate to the hurricane? Absolutely
34. Favorite electronic/tech device? My iPod
35. Mercedes or BMW? BMW convertible please.
36. What perfume/cologne do you wear? I wear some make-you-own scent from Aveda that I like.
37. How much money would it take to drink a pint of cum? $0.50
38. How old were you when you first got drunk? 18
39. Grocery store you shop in?'s tragic.
40. Your bank? One account at Chase and another with the Actor's Federal Credit Union.
41. Do you make coffee in the AM or buy it? Usually buy it.
42. What one special talent do you have? juggling.
43. Tell a secret that you've never told before...I used to steal money from my parents ALL THE TIME. And relatively large sums.
44. Thundercats or Transformers? Transformers.
45. Friend you've known the longest? Leyla.
46. Do you travel for work? Nope!
47. Name one person from your past that you would re-establish a relationship with? Todd Fine.
48. Would you ever live in a double wide? I just saw an HGTV program on deluxe, luxury RV', if it was one of those...yes!!
49. When was the last time you went to the dentist? March
50. Who loves you baby? Frank Sinatra, right?

12:04 PM  
Blogger Miss Lizard said...

1. Who do you like better-Mom or Dad? Too hard to pick! Close to them both
2. What would you eat if you couldn't get fat? twinkies, cupcakes, choc. molton cake(with the gooey center), fried chicken, truffle mousse, Domino's Cheesy Bread
3. Chicken or Turkey? Chicken
4. Favorite Gatorade flavor? Fierce Melon
5. Why is it called Gatorade? Cuz it was invented at the U of Fla. as a drink to hydrate the football players
6. Fave song from a musical? OMG, so tough..."The Music That Makes Me Dance", Funny Girl (There are so many more)
7. What color was your childhood bedroom? pink and seafoam green with Laura Ashley wallpaper w/ bedding that matched!
8. What color is it now? Um...I technically don't have a bedroom. I guess white
9. What reality show would you like to be on? AMAZING we come Amanda!
10. Fave brand of bottled water? Volvic or Fiji
11. Most influential person in your life? My boss, who teaches me to be the complete opposite from him in everything I do.
12. Fave celebrity sighting and where? Hilary Duff in D'Land with Bean, or Eva Longoria w/out makeup and lookin hideous in Silverlake w/ my clueless boss
13. Chuck, Fuck or Marry: Ryan Phillpe, Ashton Kutcher, Orlando Bloom:
14. Aniston or Jolie? ANISTON
15. Malibu or Laguna Beach? BOTH
16. IHOP or Denny's? Denny's
17. Shower or Bath? Shower, although a bath is nice sometimes
18. Would you rather have a flesh eating bacteria or have spiders lay eggs under your skin? Bacteria
19. What do you hate most about America? Ignorant fat people
20. What do you like the most about America? Freedom of choice
21. Favorite radio station? 103.1 indie FM
22. Favorite talk show? Ellen
23. Cell phone provider? Verizon
24. How many minutes per month on your celly? 1100
25. Darwin or God? Um...Darwin
26. How did the dinosaurs really die? They ate bad 'shrooms
27. Describe the year 2302...I'll be dead
28. Church or Temple? Church
29. Do you work out? How many times a week? Not really, but I should
30. Mac or PC? PC
31. Do you have a land line or just a cell? Cell
32. Do you carry renters insurance? Yes! You really should, since you are not covered under your landlord's and it only costs $5/mnth
33. Did you donate to the hurricane? Not yet, but I will. I am also thinking about fostering a hurricane dog
34. Favorite electronic/tech device? my new camera, which is the only tech. device I own...I will be getting the iPod Nano soon!
35. Mercedes or BMW? Mercedes
36. What perfume/cologne do you wear? Hugo Boss Red, or Sud Pacific Aloha Tiare
37. How much money would it take to drink a pint of cum? $100K
38. How old were you when you first got drunk? 14. Barfed all over my town as the older guys in HS drove me around and laughed. Told my parents I had eaten bad Doritos...duh!
39. Grocery store you shop in? Ralph's or Vons
40. Your bank? Citibank
41. Do you make coffee in the AM or buy it? if I am lazy
42. What one special talent do you have? I can touch my tongue to my nose
43. Tell a secret that you've never told before...I think ppl. in my building have seen nude pics of me that an old b'firend took a while ago. My friend Shawn took pics from a building BBQ we had and wanted to get them off my camera. I gave the camera to him so he could put them onto his 'puter. When I recently uploaded them onto my computer, they were still there (I thought I had completely erased them). I am mortified and hadn't told anyone.
44. Thundercats or Transformers? T'Cats
45. Friend you've known the longest? In LA, Kevin the Clown (20 yrs.)NYC: Bean and Robbie (13 yrs,)
46. Do you travel for work? I wish.
47. Name one person from your past that you would re-establish a relationship with? Geoff Insley
48. Would you ever live in a double wide? Maybe in one of those enviro friendly, modern ones
49. When was the last time you went to the dentist? Last year...oops
50. Who loves you baby? Hopefully y'all do!

1:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Who do you like better-Mom or Dad? This year: Mom.
2. What would you eat if you couldn't get fat? Deep fried ho-ho’s ala mode w/Starbuck’s java chip ice cream.
3. Chicken or Turkey? Turkey.
4. Favorite Gatorade flavor? Classic Lime.
5. Why is it called Gatorade? Invented at the University of Florida to aid their “Gators” athletic teams.
6. Fave song from a musical? Time Warp.
7. What color was your childhood bedroom? Beige.
8. What color is it now? Beige.
9. What reality show would you like to be on? The Real World, Old Farts Edition
10. Fave brand of bottled water? Propel Fitness Water.
11. Most influential person in your life? Dad.
12. Fave celebrity sighting and where? Sinatra @ Matteo’s A Little Taste of Hoboken on Westwood Blvd.
13. Chuck, Fuck or Marry: Spouse/Girlfriend of Ryan Phillpe, Ashton Kutcher, Orlando Bloom:
Chuck: All three – Reese Witherspoon, Demi Moore & Kate Bosworth
14. Aniston or Jolie? Jolie.
15. Malibu or Laguna Beach? Malibu.
16. IHOP or Denny's? Denny’s.
17. Shower or Bath? Bath.
18. Would you rather have a flesh eating bacteria or have spiders lay eggs under your skin? Spiders laying eggs under my skin.
19. What do you hate most about America? Crappy croissants.
20. What do you like the most about America? The Ladies.
21. Favorite radio station? Radio, so last century, but I listen via the internet to Steve Lamacq Live on BBC Radio 1 and Laura Cantrell’s Radio Thrift Shop on WFMU.
22. Favorite talk show? None, they all suck now.
23. Cell phone provider? Sprint PCS
24. How many minutes per month on your celly? 800 minutes
25. Darwin or God? Both.
26. How did the dinosaurs really die? Jesus kicked their ass.
27. Describe the year 2302... Life expectancies = 175 years. Earth President = Kevin Spears-Federline, IV. Cubs still have not won World Series since 1908.
28. Church or Temple? Gospel Church.
29. Do you work out? How many times a week? Once, in a good month.
30. Mac or PC? Mac.
31. Do you have a land line or just a cell? Both.
32. Do you carry renters insurance? Yes.
33. Did you donate to the hurricane? No.
34. Favorite electronic/tech device? my PowerMac G5.
35. Mercedes or BMW? BMW.
36. What perfume/cologne do you wear? Yohji Yamamoto or Versace.
37. How much money would it take to drink a pint of cum? Mine or someone elses?
38. How old were you when you first got drunk? Eighteen.
39. Grocery store you shop in? Gelson’s.
40. Your bank? Various.
41. Do you make coffee in the AM or buy it? Buy.
42. What one special talent do you have? Know the lyrics to every Clash song.
43. Tell a secret that you've never told before... Lent money to a friend so she could get cosmetic surgery on her coochie.
44. Thundercats or Transformers? Huh? Man I must be old.
45. Friend you've known the longest? Miss Lizard’s insane boss.
46. Do you travel for work? Occasionally.
47. Name one person from your past that you would re-establish a relationship with? Lindsey Bayman.
48. Would you ever live in a double wide? Fuck yeah.
49. When was the last time you went to the dentist? Last month.
50. Who loves you baby? Domino’s, and they should – they make so much goddam money off of me.

12:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, it wasn't Ice Cube that I saw in Vegas, it was ICE T! Very nice guy...not that I had a conversation with him or anything.

2:22 PM  

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