Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Skool Daze

1. Favorite grade?
2. Where did you go to elementary school?
3. Least favorite teacher?
4. Did you ever beat anyone up?
5. Favorite subject?
6. Were you required to shower after gym class?
7. Did you ever have to wear a uniform? When?
8. What did it look like?
9. What were your school colors?
10. Your high school mascot?
11. What extracurricular activites did you do?
12. Ever get suspended? Why?
13. Fave school lunch?
14. Play any sports? Which one(s)?
15. Were you a band geek?
16. Ever go on a class trip to some place nice , a la Natalee Holloway?
17. Who was your prom date?
18. What did you wear?
19. Did you go in a limo?
20. What group (nerds, jocks) were you in?
21. Fave teacher?
22. Have you been to any reunions?
23. Were you ever a cheerleader?
24. Who was your High School crush?
25. Ever have sex on school property?
26. Most hated fellow student?
27. What was your best subject?
28. GPA?
29. Did you do the school play? Which one(s)?

30. Where did you go?
31. Major?
32. What drugs did you try for the first time?
33. Did you lose your virginity there?
34. Favorite college bar?
35. Did you gain the freshman 15?
36. Favoite class?
37. Did you fail any classes?
38. Who was your college roommate?
39. Most embarassing college moment?
40. What were your extracurricular activities?
41. Favorite campus eatery?
42. Who was your best friend in college?
43. Did you have a job while going to school?
44. Did you have a boy/girlfriend? Who?
45. How often did you get wasted?
46. Favorite college memory?
47. GPA?
48. Favorite professor?
49. As a senoir were you mean to freshmen?
50. So now that you are you miss it?