Friday, September 23, 2005

Random50 Redux

1. Have you ever paid for sex?
2. Are there really 2,000 body parts as Lever 2000 claims?
3. Favorite song from this summer?
4. Last concert you saw?
5. Do you save your change?
6. Did you have a pen pal as a kid?
7. What is your lip balm brand?
8. Favorite sneaker brand?
9. Favorite bar?
10. Have you ever stolen something from a friend?
11. Do you smoke? what brand?
12. What is your Indian name? What tribe do you belong to?
13. Favorite thing to do by yourself?
14. What will you be doing 20 years from now?
15. Where are you right now?
16. Have you ever gotten in trouble at work? Why?
17. What country would you adopt a child from?
18. If you had the space would you take in a hurricane victim?
19. Do you 69?
20. What is the title of the movie of your life?
21. Do you collect anything?
22. Name of the person who took your virginity?
23. How many square feet is your apt/house?
24. Create a new first and last name with the same letters as your existing anagram.
25. How would you commit suicide?
26. Have you ever had sex with someone who is a celebrity (major or otherwise)?
27. Have you ever done the internet dating thing?
28. If so, how did it work out?
29. Fave job you've had?
30. Do you see a shrink?
32. Are you on any drugs (not recreational)?
33. Chuck, Fuck or Marry: Margaret Cho, Paula Poundstone, or Kathy Griffin?
34. Catherine Zeta or Kate Winslet?
35. Have you ever had lice?
36. Have you ever had an STD?
37. Do you go camping?
38. Name one thing that makes you angry.
39. Fave movie you've seen this year so far?
40. Do you have siblings? What number child are you?
41. Name one interesting thing about your job.
42. Do you like where you live?
43. What kind/type/brand of underwear do you wear?
44. Target or Walmart?
45. Ketchup or mustard?
46. Would you ever shave your head?
47. Would you ever pose for Spencer Tunick in one of his mass nude pictures?
48. How much money would it take for you to have sex, completely naked in Times Square (assuming no one stops you and you do it for at least 20 mins)?
49. Name the celebrity you would most want to work their assistant.
50. What's the nicest thing you have done for someone?

Friday, September 16, 2005

random50 and then some

So we know we're slackers. Somehow the end of summer took up all of our time...Le Bean's 23rd bday, Miss Lizard getting attacked by her insane tiger, visits from family and to see friends, the Emmy's, helping Britney with Lamaze classes ...and of course volunteering for the food drive for retarded senior citizen midgets (RSCM). We never thought we had such fans, but apparently The Oyster is your Friday salavation. So shut up and answer bitches...

1. Who do you like better-Mom or Dad?
2. What would you eat if you couldn't get fat?
3. Chicken or Turkey?
4. Favorite Gatorade flavor?
5. Why is it called Gatorade?
6. Fave song from a musical?
7. What color was your childhood bedroom?
8. What color is it now?
9. What reality show would you like to be on?
10. Fave brand of bottled water?
11. Most influential person in your life?
12. Fave celebrity sighting and where?
13. Chuck, Fuck or Marry: Ryan Phillpe, Ashton Kutcher, Orlando Bloom:
14. Aniston or Jolie?
15. Malibu or Laguna Beach?
16. IHOP or Denny's?
17. Shower or Bath?
18. Would you rather have a flesh eating bacteria or have spiders lay eggs under your skin?
19. What do you hate most about America?
20. What do you like the most about America?
21. Favorite radio station?
22. Favorite talk show?
23. Cell phone provider?
24. How many minutes per month on your celly?
25. Darwin or God?
26. How did the dinosaurs really die?
27. Describe the year 2302...
28. Church or Temple?
29. Do you work out? How many times a week?
30. Mac or PC?
31. Do you have a land line or just a cell?
32. Do you carry renters insurance?
33. Did you donate to the hurricane?
34. Favorite electronic/tech device?
35. Mercedes or BMW?
36. What perfume/cologne do you wear?
37. How much money would it take to drink a pint of cum?
38. How old were you when you first got drunk?
39. Grocery store you shop in?
40. Your bank?
41. Do you make coffee in the AM or buy it?
42. What one special talent do you have?
43. Tell a secret that you've never told before...
44. Thundercats or Transformers?
45. Friend you've known the longest?
46. Do you travel for work?
47. Name one person from your past that you would re-establish a relationship with?
48. Would you ever live in a double wide?
49. When was the last time you went to the dentist?
50. Who loves you baby?