Thursday, May 26, 2005

He said, She said

While we think our quizzes are the tits here at Prairie Oyster, I came across this little number and thought our readers would enjoy.
PS-I got most of them wrong...

The Friday 50, vol. VI

Happy Memorial Day! We always get excited about this one since it officially starts the summer. Lord knows we love a Monday holiday.

Just a little slap on the wrist-when responding, PLEASE only post once. (And in the correct place, Coco). We know all our friends are hilarious and witty, but if I have to read your answers mulitple times, my eyes might bleed. Now, off you go...

1. What flavor jelly would you use to make you PB&J?
2. Fave chain restaurant?
3. Do you and/or your partner use lube?
4. What kind?
5. What would you spend your last $20 on?
6. Describe your perfect sandwich.
7. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
8. Ever had an STD?
9. Which kind(s)?
10. Favorite literary book?
11. Do you use fabric softener?
12. Fave song of all time?
13. Name one thing you are obsessed with...
14. Would you ever let someone cum in your face?
15. Fave holiday?
16. I wish I could...
17. Favorite sexual position?
18. Shave or wax?
19. Lindsay Hohan's skinniness. Discuss...
20. Tara Reid-love her or hate the whore?
21. Would you rather a condition that would cause boils all over your body but was curable in a couple of months, or a lazy eye for life?
22. How long have you gone without drugs or alcohol?
23. What song title would best describe you?
24. What's your favorite condiment?
25. You would absolutely NOT kiss someone who had just eaten...
26. What's your Zodiac sign?
27. What sign are you normally attracted to?
28. Socks or barefoot?
29. Margarita: salt or no salt, rocks or blended?
30. Have you ever been in the hospital? If so, for what?
31. Have you ever freaked out publicly on someone?
32. Would you join the military?
33. What if you were drafted?
34. Paper or plastic?
35. Your life is being made into a film. What's it called?
36. Who is playing you?
37. Have you ever told someone they were fantastic in bed when they weren't?
38. Has anyone ever taken a nude photo of you?
39. Would you refuse to date someone if they didn't have a job?
40. Are you a member of the mile high club?
41. Have you ever used food items during sex?
42. Would you go on vacation by yourself?
43. Name your children. Son?
44. Daughter?
45. Best dressed celeb?
46. Worst dressed celeb?
47. How many REALLY, REALLY good friends do you have. I mean people who've got your back?
48. How many people HATE you?
49. If you could have one job, other than the one you have now, what would it be? No job is not an acceptable answer.
50. How often do you masturbate?

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Deez Nutz

Please enjoy the 2005 Phallic Logo Awards. As the sponsors say, these logos are "the cream of the cocks".
'Nuff said...

Par Avion

I remember when I was in 3rd grade we were given pen pals from another country. I wrote to Dahlia in Israel all the time, as well as Isabella in Spain (I thought that was sooo cool, since Isabella is my name is Spanish....oh, never mind).
Those were the days! When you had no responsibilities and you were full of innocence. I thought you might want to revisit those times, and get a pen pal of your own.

Friday, May 13, 2005

These are just so wrong...

The Friday 25, Vol. 4.5

Le Bean is discovering the joys of our legal system-he got suckered into jury duty HAHA! The list is always a collaboration-a meeting of the minds, if you will. Not wanting to feel guilty for excluding Bean's witty and thought provoking questions, I have shortened The Friday 50 to 25 this week. I am sure you won't mind. Less time working on the questions means you're that much closer to having that happy hour drink in your hand. Cheers!

1. I love to...
2. The one Olympic sport I would get rid of is...
3. Why has Tobey McGuire gained so much weight?
4. Reese and Ryan-sham or true love?
5. Fave game show?
6. Fave web site?
7. What ethnic cuisine do you love the most?
8. Scientology. Discuss.
9. I hate it when my partner...
10. My fave clothing designer is...
11. My sexual fantasy involves...
12. I wish I could be...
13. Chuck, Fuck, or Marry: Jake Gyllenhall, Keifer Sutherland, Johnny Depp
14. Martini-olives, twist of lemon, or onion?
15. How much money would it take for you to ride naked through Times Square on a Segway?
16. Have you ever beat anyone up?
17. Have you ever been arrested?
18. What's the meanest thing you have ever done?
19. Are you getting into Heaven?
20. I would love to have sex with a person who's from the country of.....
21. Would you chop off your finger if it meant you would be able to live comfortably and not ever worry about money?
22. Your fave band?
23. The advice I always tell my friends is...
24. Are you a fast pooper, or a sit on the toilet and read a magazine pooper?
25. How will you become famous?

Friday, May 06, 2005

When the homeless ask you for change...

The Friday 50, Vol. 4

1. Brad and Angelina-love 'em, or hate 'em?
2. Do you give change to the homeless?
3. Favorite article clothing, presently?
4. Do you use mouthwash?
5. If so, what brand?
6. Fave TV show when you were a kid?
7. What are a few of your favorite things?
8. Your hidden talents?
9. What are your imperfections?
10. What is your idea of relaxing?
11. What's the most extreme thing you do to look good?
12. When do you look your best?
13. How do you manage stress?
14. What are you wearing right now?
15. I can't imagine anything worse than...
16. My mother taught me...
17. I'm not wild about...
18. When I was younger...
19. I work out...
20. I wish I could...
21. I spend too much money on...
22. In the shower I...
23. My skin care routine...
24. I'm a natural...
25. The best treat is...
26. First think in the morning...
27. Three things I do to get ready for a party are...
28. I have the hugest...
29. I used to get teased about...
30. Sometimes I want to...
31. I used to be...
32. I feel happiest when...
33. To me, the most beautiful person is...
34. My best feature is...
35. My worst body part is...
36. What's the best compliment you've ever gotten?
37. What's your hangover cure?
38. In what ways do you take after your mother?
39. Your father?
40. Favorite childhood memory?
41. Favorite Meryl Streep movie?
42. Favorite Broadway musical?
43. What song are you singing this week?
44. What's up with Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes?
45. Favorite super model?
46. Favorite book?
47. How old will you be when you die?
48. Oldest person you've fucked?
49. Youngest person you've fucked?
50. Ever let anyone pee on you?